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Content type

: Oral History Clip

Clip Search: Oral History Clip

Results 181 - 210 of 3470


NIU Collection, Segment 7

A Mother & a Family: duration 00:53

NIU Collection, Segment 8

Growing up in Australia: duration 01:09
My Husband the Sailor: duration 00:37
SEGMENT:BACKGROUND, FAMILY, & LAND: Audio duration 10:12
Coming to America: duration 00:39
A Close Family: duration 00:41
Loosing Land to Condos: duration 00:29
Heating a Home with Wood: duration 00:23
Hiring a Corn-Sheller: duration 00:25
Pride in the Garden: duration 00:30
Think When You Spend Money: duration 00:36
Couples Friends: duration 00:51
Christmas in Australia: duration 00:19
The Kuhn Family Picnic: duration 00:23
Forward Contracting: duration 00:35
My Son the Hog Entrepreneur: duration 00:25