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: Audio

Content type

: Oral History Clip


: Livestock Feed

Clip Search: Audio, Oral History Clip, Livestock Feed

22 results


NIU Collection, Segment 2

NIU Collection, Segment 8

My Son Feeding His Hogs: duration 00:33

NIU Collection, Segment 15

NIU Collection, Segment 20

UIS Collection, Segment 3

UIS Collection, Segment 17

UIS Collection B's, Segment 3

Tankage Protein: duration 01:06

UIS Collection H-I, Segment 8

SEGMENT: MILLS: Audio duration 10:54
Torrence's Peculiar Mill 1: duration 02:45

UIS Collection H-I, Segment 15

UIS Collection K-M, Segment 1

Making Fodder the Hard Way: duration 00:59

UIS Collection K-M, Segment 9

SEGMENT: FARMING METHODS: Audio duration 14:47

UIS Collection K-M, Segment 17

UIS Collection N-R, Segment 3

UIS Collection N-R, Segment 8

Setting Up Corn Shocks: duration 01:28

UIS Collection S, Segment 2

Making Silage: duration 02:03

UIS Collection S, Segment 13

UIS Collection T-Z, Segment 5

SEGMENT: FARM EQUIPMENT: Audio duration 08:55
Shucking and Snapping: duration 00:51

ISM Interviews A-L, Segment 30