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: Video

Clip Search: Video

Results 31 - 60 of 1109


ISM Interviews A-L, Segment 2

One of Hitler's Victims: duration 00:43
Driving at 14: duration 00:43
The Benefits of Making Do: duration 01:05

ISM Interviews A-L, Segment 3

SEGMENT: FARM-RELATED WORK: Video duration 08:19
Illinois Products & Art: duration 01:10
SEGMENT: FARM BUSINESS & GARDEN: Video duration 08:13

ISM Interviews A-L, Segment 4

SEGMENT: BACKGROUND: Video duration 09:53
The Great Influenza: duration 00:49
Settlers from England: duration 01:19
From England to Illinois: duration 00:57
Innovative Grandfather: duration 01:07
Playing Fireworks: duration 00:31
Soil Conservation Service: duration 00:37
Land survey map 1800s: duration 01:10
SEGMENT: ENVIRONMENT: Video duration 07:57
Million dollar rains: duration 00:22
Neighbors helping neighbors: duration 01:20