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: Hired Help

Clip Search: Hired Help

Results 31 - 60 of 220


NIU Collection, Segment 12

NIU Collection, Segment 13

Good Help Is Hard to Find: duration 01:49

NIU Collection, Segment 15

NIU Collection, Segment 16

NIU Collection, Segment 17

NIU Collection, Segment 18

NIU Collection, Segment 19

NIU Collection, Segment 20

UIS Collection, Segment 1

UIS Collection, Segment 2

UIS Collection, Segment 3

SEGMENT: FARMING & ENVIRONMENT: Audio duration 08:50
"I hated fodder!": duration 01:14

UIS Collection, Segment 14

Life as a Plow-Hand: duration 00:34
Neighbor Helping Neighbor: duration 01:46