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: Housework

Clip Search: Housework

Results 1 - 30 of 56


NIU Collection, Segment 3

My Mother Worked: duration 00:30

NIU Collection, Segment 6

My Wife Was a Wise Woman: duration 00:36

NIU Collection, Segment 7

NIU Collection, Segment 8

SEGMENT:BACKGROUND, FAMILY, & LAND: Audio duration 10:12

NIU Collection, Segment 9

"Every farm has a garden": duration 00:21

NIU Collection, Segment 11

NIU Collection, Segment 18

NIU Collection, Segment 19

SEGMENT: WOMEN'S WORK & FAMILY: Audio duration 09:01
Be a Wife & Mother: duration 00:59
SEGMENT: WOMEN'S WORK, & ACTIVITIES: Audio duration 09:18

NIU Collection, Segment 20

UIS Collection B's, Segment 2

UIS Collection B's, Segment 5

UIS Collection B's, Segment 6

UIS Collection C-G, Segment 3

UIS Collection C-G, Segment 7

UIS Collection H-I, Segment 2

UIS Collection H-I, Segment 15

UIS Collection H-I, Segment 16

UIS Collection K-M, Segment 3

Straw, Rugs, & Carpets: duration 02:19