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: Neighbors

Clip Search: Neighbors

Results 61 - 90 of 186


UIS Collection, Segment 1

SEGMENT: FARMING METHODS: Audio duration 14:28

UIS Collection, Segment 3

Borrowing Farm Equipment: duration 00:38

UIS Collection, Segment 7

UIS Collection, Segment 14

Neighbors Helping Neighbors: duration 00:24
Neighbor Helping Neighbor: duration 01:46

UIS Collection, Segment 15

UIS Collection, Segment 20

Lending to Your Neighbors: duration 01:13

UIS Collection, Segment 23

UIS Collection, Segment 25

UIS Collection B's, Segment 1

UIS Collection B's, Segment 2

UIS Collection B's, Segment 5

SEGMENT: FAMILY BACKGROUND: Audio duration 10:59

UIS Collection C-G, Segment 3

UIS Collection C-G, Segment 8

UIS Collection C-G, Segment 9