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: Farm Work

Clip Search: Farm Work

Results 31 - 60 of 145


UIS Collection, Segment 3

Hedge Fences: duration 01:04

UIS Collection, Segment 5

SEGMENT: FARMING METHODS: Audio duration 06:58

UIS Collection, Segment 7

The Osage Orange Hedge-Row: duration 01:35
Making Sorghum Molasses: duration 02:34

UIS Collection, Segment 9

UIS Collection, Segment 10

UIS Collection, Segment 14

A Crab-Tree Harrow: duration 01:13

UIS Collection, Segment 15

Hay Loading Machine: duration 01:18
The First Grapple Hook: duration 02:57

UIS Collection, Segment 16

UIS Collection, Segment 17

SEGMENT: CROPS, HEALTH, & FARM WORK: Audio duration 10:39

UIS Collection, Segment 18