Charles Shuman>UIS Collection S>UIS Collection S, Segment 16


duration 14:04
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1936 brought Supreme Court decision in Hoosack-Mills case that made the Agriculture Adjustment Act (AAA) legislation unconstitutional. Next legislation had a new element, financing by the taxpayer (Federal Treasury). Farm Bureau very instrumental in drafting this. WWII bailed farms out of trouble but did not work well. Emphasized increased production. Farm Bureau turned more to Congress to solve economic problems of farmers. Soon needed a bureaucracy to manage it. Extension became more important in the increase in production. Farm Bureau and Extension service grew apart as FB more involved in lobbying efforts. After war, FB wanted to continue programs during readjustment; but the programs actually kept farmers from adjusting because of price supports rather than market forces. Earl Smith felt that government supports could be used under the market levels. Ed O'Neal retired in 1947. Allan Kline was vice president believed in limited supports; southerners wanted 100% parity. Kline was elected next president & his view prevailed.