Charles Hartke>LPL Interviews A-M>LPL Interviews A-J, Segment 10


duration 15:41
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He won and offered Hartke the job. Explains the process. Wanted to travel the world to promote Illinois agriculture. Did not go anywhere. Department of Agriculture in 2003, there were 647 employees, then suddenly 125 retired. Director had resigned. Ricky Hendon blocked appointment on equality of employment grounds. Disappointed that vacancies were governor's to fill, from areas that supported the governor. Hartke's goal was to fulfill the mission with whomever was employed. First was to provide safe food. Ten bureaus was the State and County Fairs. Others are Natural Resources, Marketing (12 people), Animal Welfare. Employees in Springfield, 200; 12 in DuQuoin, 30 in office in Des Plaines (insects); meat inspectors, testing division. Ag Department communicate with but do not oversee university ag programs. Every budget for five years was a battle; so much they want to do - employee raises, funds for food safety, promote ag. Budget cuts. Ex