Chris Eckert>LPL Walk & Talk Interviews>Eckert, Section 1


duration 11:05
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Subdivisions are being developed around the Eckert's farm. This is a positive because it raises land values. Strike a balance between living with neighbors and growing crops. Eventually will have to move because of the worth of the land and it's not economically best to use land that's so valuable. The farm is still an escape once you get into an orchard and the sounds of the city and traffic aren't there. In 20 years, farm will probably be gone. They are developing a plan of what property goes first, second, third. etc. Plan to continue as long as possible to farm the property and it still makes economic sense.
They also grow Indian corn for decoration and retail sale and none is sold wholesale. The corn ishand harvested. It is shucked and the husk peeled back and tied in order to preserve all the kernels and the husk. They also grow pumpkins and strawberries on the same field at different times. They have a vegetable patch with about 5000 to 6000 tomatos. They grow banana and green bell peppers. All of their crops are hand harvested about once every two or three days. They have pick your own strawberries and blackberries, but the others there is not enough demand for.
They use plastic beds, or plastic culture production. There are raised beds of dirt that is covered with plastic that stop rain water so they have to be irrigated. The irrigation delivers water and fertilizer. Soil gets warmer so you can grow crops sooner, and stops weeds so there is no need for herbicides. It has a high starter cost.