Lou Ann Siburt>UIS Collection S>UIS Collection S, Segment 18
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- Cared for siblings often. Washed dishes at younger than four years old, but it took her from morning to dinner time. Parents left siblings alone with her when she was eight years old so they could go to town to shop. Children got in trouble for messing up the house and using sugar and cream to make candy. Thinks she was responsible even though she was young. Tells story about when the parents were gone and the fire in the wood stove in the house went out. Remembers the years of 1937-1939 being bad financially. Situation improved in 1940. Family moved then to a better house with a cistern, a big barn, a corn crib, a smoke house, and good outbuildings, more cows, and lots of cream, butter, and cottage cheese.
- Butchering was big event, starting early in morning with slaughtering two hogs per family. Father had special recipe for curing. Made good sausage. Everyone had a job for preparing the hog. Got to eat fresh cracklings and made fresh lard. Made pie crusts with lard squares and cornbread with cracklings. Father worked very hard. Milked cows, fed livestock, and ran milk through cream separator before starting breakfast, eating, and going to school. Standard of living slowly improved.
- Everyone walked to school together and went to church. Father refused to work in a war plant due to religious beliefs. Most people worked in an ordnance plant like the ones in Illiopolis, IL, and Decatur, IL, but own family did not so income was not as high. Father looked for jobs in town. Applied at Wagner's Foundry but did not pass physical test. Thinks that it was because of his heart disease although he said he nearly had a rupture. Made a living by extending farming.