Technology Suggestions
With the inception of audio recording, Oral History has regained its place of prominence in the Historical community. The technology field is fast paced and always changing, making the job of an Oral Historian more complicated than just knowing historical facts. The job of an Oral Historian requires the individual to be half historian and half audio/ video technician. With the inception of digitally recorded audio/ video it is becoming easier to record, create and disseminate digitally recorded multimedia projects. This page and the following pages will give you a few tips and technology suggestions for conducting and creating an Oral History project.
Before Starting the Project
Before you start your project you will want to consider many things here are a few questions to help get you started:
- What will my end result be? Ex: An edited Multimedia project, a digital archive served on the internet; an edited multimedia project; a digital archive served on the internet; audio or video
- What type of media will I use and in what format? (Ex: Audi, Video, Images; digital/analogue)
- How will my project be delivered to the public? (Through the internet or onsite use only)
- Do I have a budget to purchase equipment and software?