Bert Aikman>UIS Collection A's>UIS Collection, Segment 21
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- Mentions Sam Sorrels as prime-mover in Farm Bureau for the area. Sorrells used his farm to demonstrate new farming methods. Called him Mr. Farm Bureau. Sorrels & Mr. Snyder started Farm Bureau in area. Bert retells story of being asked to be a Farm Bureau Director, but having to refuse because of his hay-fever. (addenda item# 71, see Aikman 7, Clip# 780)
- Additional detail about raising beans for mixing with cattle feed. These beans were hard to rake. Had to be windrowed & then cured in shocks for 10 days. Cows loved this bean hay. Story of Bert's 1st crop of beans sold for feed to local farmers for feed & to start growing their own bean. Mentions experiment station hybridizing beans. Could not take beans in with wheat. Equipment had to be cleaned first. Bert Gunter knew where he wanted all grains in elevator. Discussion of grain-elevator & its help to community. "Farmers are the hardest people to hold together." (addenda item# 73, see Aikman 7, Clip# 780)
- Discussion of break-up of co-op (grain-elevator) & money received for shares. (addenda item# 73, see Aikman 7, Clip# 780)
- Mentions decline of black bean hay as alfalfa became popular cattle feed, perhaps because it was a better balance to corn in cattle diet. Describes harvesting & shocking of alfalfa. (addenda item# 73, see Aikman 7, Clip# 780)