Archibald Dunn>UIS Collection C-G>UIS Collection C-G, Segment 9
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- First used a carload of lime as fertilizer in 1914. "They made a lot of fun of me over at Bluff Springs." Other farmers thought lime would not help. Would leave at 5 o'clock to haul two tons of lime from Bluff Springs and spread it in the fields. Could not test the lime. One farmer saw his field had taller sweet clover than wheat, then he bought a trainload of lime, first trainload bought in Illinois. Needs to spread lime now, has 110 tons in the field. Had a lime quarry on the Scotland ancestors' farm and the old farmers would put lime on their fields. Used manure but had no manure-spreaders.
- Used a bed wagon to haul manure to fields and spread it. In WWI the county required solid racks to haul bundles. Hired help was scarce. Railroad men would shock wheat for them when there was not enough help. Workers could drive cars to farm. Got first car in 1916.
- Discusses differences between children in his family and the heights of other families' children. Mother thought Mr. Dunn had uglier hands than his father. Mother would give children lumps of sugar to cure hiccups. Admires mother for keeping boarders to help pay for children' educations when money was scarce.