Robert A. Taylor>UIS Collection T-Z>UIS Collection T-Z, Segment 1
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- Recalls Joe DeVault, a family friend who farmed with his father. Worked for a butcher as a boy and could butcher well. Was good with horses also. Kept enough pigs to feed family and sell a few, and raised shorthorn non-purebred cattle. Sold cattle and hogs to butcher shop in Virginia. Livestock was killed in slaughterhouse.
- Raised beans and dried them to eat in winter. Heated house with wood stoves in the living room and sisters' room, and a cooking stove in the kitchen. Fed stoves with timber collected by family friend. Most of the house was cold. Bought clothes in town, and bought shoes in Chandlerville.
- Knows some neighbors through Lincoln College. Mother went to Women's College in Jacksonville as a young girl for two years.
- Went to church regularly. Recalls the church founder. Was founded in 1848. Originally was near a Baptist church. Fewer people attend church now. Blames it on the community's increase in crime and sin. Thinks some people have either too much or not enough money. Did not have money to spend as a child.