Lucile Daniels Kirby>UIS Collection K-M>UIS Collection K-M, Segment 2


duration 12:56
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Got first Ford car in 1917 and took a young boy into their care. He graduated from Tallula High School, and then they were hit by the Depression. Father-in-law died of erysipelas, but had no will, so the farm went for sale and Mr. and Mrs. Kirby were forced to become renters on their farm in 1929. Sold the farm by halves. Corn was being sold for 13c. Describes their subsequent property and land management decisions, and the death of the brother-in-law who bought the farm from under them. Father had been paying for several other children's educations without telling the family. Grandparents were Baptists, Presbyterians, and Methodists, but parents were Baptist.