Jessie Ruth Saiter>UIS Collection S>UIS Collection S, Segment 2
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- Story of Mr. & Mrs. Saiter going away to Indianapolis IN [on honeymoon?] & her aunt taking care of her father & younger brother (who had come to live with them after their wife/mother died). On return home her brother was anxious to get to bed because he had placed sandburs in her bed, but a "little bird" told her about the prank before bed. Mention of shivery & wedding celebration.
- Discussion of farm activities during late summer. Mentions wheat shocked. Chickens, turkeys, & geese chicks getting bigger. Fruit became plentiful. August was time to harvest garden, put cucumbers in salt-brine. Made relishes from cucumbers. Description of drying sweet-corn. In winter you added butter & cream to dried corn. Dried corn stored in 10lb sacks. Kidney & lima beans picked by women & children. Father prepared ground to bury cabbage, apples, potatoes. Most cans used for blackberries, & other berries, so most other fruits & garden produce dried. Tomatoes canned & sealed with sealing wax. Description of how mother made hominy