Dr. Deanna Glosser>ISM Interviews A-L>ISM Interviews A-L, Segment 10
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- Global, CSA could lead to improvements in the environment. Cites are examples of locals raising lettuce for sale rather than for their own consumption. Hopes that there will be a decrease in the destruction of farmland in other countries due to production practices designed to meet the market in the United States. Slow Food also includes preserving ways of making and preparing food. In Europe, cheese making and unpasteurized milk are important issues. In Europe, to get around restrictions on purchasing unpasteurized milk, shares are sold for cows. Therefore, the milk from the cow is legally provided (but not sold) to shareholders on an unpasteurized basis. The shareholders buy the cow, but not the milk. Efforts also underway to preserve food traditions in United States. Hopes that grandchildren know what a "real" tomato tastes like; find some real food.