Doug Parrett>LPL Interviews N-Z>LPL Interviews K-Z, Segment 3
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- U. of Illinois believes it has the best education in agriculture. It is also very strong in research. Half the money for a research grant is kept for operating costs of the university. Research creates income and drives the school. He does more teaching and extension work. Grant funding is federal USDA, NIH, etc. Private companies fund research. Seed corn companies, herbicides. Marketing research from commodity companies like ADM, Cargill. In 1993 CFAR (Council for Agriculture Research) law gave funding for applied programs for quick impact. Lack of funds lower it to 2.5 million. Issue in research is always the ethical one working with private companies. Must test product fairly and give results. We publish poor results without specific names of companies and products, just the chemicals. There is a responsibility of the university to protect the public.