Dr. Edward Runge>LPL Interviews N-Z>LPL Interviews K-Z, Segment 6


duration 15:46
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The 1920-1950 work in hybrids changed India and Pakistan during troubled times after WWII. Shipment of wheat to them was delayed by the Seven-day War. Google Borlog to find lots of interesting information. Lists book titles.
In Brazil, he went on three study-abroad classes. Fernando Cardozo from Manah formed the fertilizers for their crops. Brazil has land available to increase production, but low infrastructure to move things. Area is south of rainforest, called the Serrado, used for grazing before. Took four years for cow to grow to market. Savanna with scrubby trees and grass. Further north of Cuiaba, find dense forest, not rain forest. Northeast corner also available, but lower quality; has sugar cane now. Conditioned soils to improve them. We know what minerals to add and how. Explains process. Southern farms are smaller; some farms are huge (100,000 acres) with 49 combines. Most are smaller. Matagrosso is 600 miles from a port. Highways are like our county roads. Getting to market is expensive and difficult. New railroad will help; not developed earlier because no production with poor soils. When soils improved, production up, then need transport. Brasilia established in the 1950s to develop the area. Their potential is what US potential was one hundred years ago. Needs to become sustainable. With new infrastructure, have a big development