Jeanette Sayre>UIS Collection S>UIS Collection S, Segment 12
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- Discussion of children & her divorce. She & husband just grew apart. Felt she was just part of husband, not her own person. "This is Mrs. Sawyer." This is Mr. Sayers' son." Commentary on Southern culture being set in pre-Civil War. Notes white's expectations of negroes. Negro part of town was called "quarters." Most baby-sitters in winter were just field hands. Story about maid never taking phone messages because she couldn't write. These people who couldn't read were raising her children. Children started to have cultural characters of the black south. Husband did not see a problem.
- Story of displaced persons during WWII coming to work in MS. All but one went back to Europe. This Pole spent a lot of time in concentration camps (Russian, German, British) & displaced persons camps. This person came to live in their garage & taking care of children. Stories of his habits. Story of his drinking & showing boys the guns.