Cavan Sullivan>ISM Walk & Talk Interviews>Sullivan, Cavan, Section 2
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- Nine cows, one bull, four juveniles from previous year, four calves this year and five more coming. The herd is 100% American Bison. In North America, buffalo population declined to only about 300 from 30 million, so buffalo are not genetically diverse. Breeders try to stop in-breeding too much and introduce new bulls every couple of years.
- Buffalo from western states have tuberculosis, brucellosis and other disease. Buffalo have very thick skin and hair so insects don't bother them very much. However, if you buy from local area could breed with a close relative. Buy from tested herds and accredited. Mr. Sullivan keeps a closed herd.
- Nutrition
- Environment
- A bull weighs around 1800 pounds and is five years old. When choosing breeding bulls you want a large one for its age, good body conformation, good feet, sound legs, wide hind quarters. Want a lot of muscle in the rump. There are two unofficial types of buffalo