Leland Sweatman>ISM Walk & Talk Interviews>Sweatman, Leland, Section 1
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- Mr. Sweatman shows his collection of replicas of farm tractors. He has many different brands, tractors and implements, talking about color and models, as well as the change in companies.
- In the 1940s could only use two bottom plow because they didn't have enough power. Then with more power moved to four bottom plow, you could plow twice as much. The drill replicas are almost identical. Discs didn't always have wheels and moving down the road was difficult, had to be moved on a trailer. Thus the invention of wheel discs which raise and lower the disc and you could easily move down the road. Shows a hay bailer. Mr. Sweatman has a John Deere replica that is a rare toy. He has a pulling tractor, 1930s & 40s corn picker. A corn picker would put the corn in a husking bed which took the shucks off and put it into the a wagon. Mr. Sweatman also has a mower that really works.
- Mr. Sweatman has one of the first Ertl tractors that was made for his kids. Toys used to be cast in iron until World War II and the advance of aluminum alloy which made toys cheaper. Fred Ertl eventually built a warehouse to make toys Dubuque, Iowa.
- Lights; Horsepower; Cost; Rubber Tires; Metal Tires