John Thurman>LPL Walk & Talk Interviews>Thurman, Section 1


duration 09:56
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Family moves cattle together. Move cattle from the area that is normally for chickens. Move them every couple of weeks for grazing. Move to areas with more foliage or higher grass. Cattle are also moved so they can mend fences.
The land used to be five or six hundred dollars an acre. Today it's $2500 an acre and increasnig. Gravel roads recently laid down. Much better from the dirt road where people used to get stuck in mud. The town is improving the land and therefore taxes are increased too. Their plan is to own and fence in as much land as possible. It's difficult to expand. They own, rent and barter their land. Use some land for vegetable. Barter land for hay production.
Livestock and vegetable have always been raised organically. Know what's in the vegetables and the hay, it's the cleanest way. Oragnic vegetables sold so their affordable. High demand for their vegetables. They are sustainable, natural, and not marketed as organic. They aren't certified organic. Sell chicken and goats on the farms and have farm tours. Africans, Asians, and seniors come out and visit the farm and buy the animals. Most people come from Chicago. Trying to educate how to raise animals.
Raise meat rabbits. The market is still being developed.