Leaving farming, difficult to "make it," some have to leave the farm life. Bill talks about the role of the family in farm life. Rent more land, but farm equipment allows them to produce more. Doesn't leave them with a lot more time, there's still a lot of work to do. Mentions traveling again. Couldn't travel until recently.
Martha talks about friends who went to work, she feels women miss out on the raising of the family if they have to work outside the home. But sometimes it's necessary. People want more luxuries these days, need another income to support that. Women's assistance on the farm. Martha says how important it was to her family that she be there for them. Thinks women can work off the farm and still raise a family - she thinks she couldn't have though! Bill believe it has to do with knowing what you want.
Discusses grandkids visiting (audio is patchy). Difficult to have grandchildren over a lot.
Haven't been to movies for years. Discusses activities like watching television, like news and sit-coms over movies and sports. Talk about their television shows, soap operas, Dallas. Bill doesn't have to get up early now. He goes to bed earlier than she does. Listen to the radio rarely, did so more years ago though. Radio in the tractor. Martha listens to records on the stereo.