Final eighth grade exams were held in Havana. Tells the story of how in math, he and friends copied answers and all got them wrong. His teacher made them stay in for weeks learning fractions. Tells about a bad teacher who taught both him and his son and how whole classes would flunk their exams. School day was from eight or nine a.m., with recess 10
Students played in the woods and on the creek instead of school grounds. Made dams in the pond and creeks. Moved logs to get to islands. Carried girls across. Could ice skate to school. White Oak School was 3 miles south of Havana on highway 78 just north of Matanza Beach. Now it is a house.
Tells how his wife took the teacher's exam, and had her aunt (the school inspector) come for a week to help her prepare. She was a good and well-liked teacher.