Jeanette Sayre>UIS Collection S>UIS Collection S, Segment 10


duration 10:30
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Tells about her grandparents' and great-grandparents' farm near Pleasant Plains. It is a centennial farm settled about 1830. Explains how her grandfather's five boys were "dispersed" (told what to do with their lives and where). Grandfather bought a farm in Iowa and settled his second son on it, but it was too difficult, so they moved back home (to another available farm in Edinburg) in a train box car (with their horses and implements). Eldest son was made to become a lawyer. Jeanette's father was settled on a farm inherited by her grandmother (Potter). The two youngest sons stayed at the home farm until the youngest got disillusioned and bought land near Iuka. She describes her mother's side of the family (Sam Watkins) as being naturally musical. Lived on a farm north of Petersburg. Moved eight miles north to help his sons avoid the perils of racehorses and music.