Mary Stark>NIU Collection>NIU Collection, Segment 20
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- Mary continues to describe her outside work, one job at a conservation office. Worked with aerial photographs, determined farm acreage. Also worked at a nursing home for 2 & 1/2 years - exclusive only 19 or 20 residents, beautiful place. Mary was a nurses aid. She tells an anecdote about growing close to a lady resident, doing her hair. Mary wanted to try working in a factory, "for fun." Worked in a packaging plant for jellies, honey, dressing, etc. Didn't like punching the time clock, and it was strenuous. Left there when mother got sick, she cared for her. Tells factory location. Worked at a local high school 7 1/2 years in the cafeteria until they moved. Fun job, hard work, became good friends with the other workers. Overall, Mary wanted to get out and meet people.
- Reflects on getting together with people, says farming is a good life, difficult to get into it though. Wouldn't trade her life!