Describes working away from home for Mr. Wiley who measured & marked off his fields so plow did not have to turn-around. Describes he made straight rows by getting the horse to follow the furrow.
Mentions seeing disc plows out west & realized they could put more wheat in than he could in IL. Suggests that the reason discs were not used in IL because the fields were too short & it was difficult to turn them around. Mr. Wiley & brother-in-law owned threshing machine. Discusses the jobs & number of men needed to operate threshing machine. Threshing was really hot, dusty work. Mentions care needed when cutting bundles of wheat in order not to cut partner. Bert never cut wire bands. Discusses threshing feeder & pitching wheat from wagons. Mentions running a bundle wagon all over the area. Grain hauled to Butler, Hillsboro, Raymond, & Harvel. Next year Bert worked for Mr. Richardson & stayed there until he was 22 yrs old.
Mentions when he started working as telegraph operator.