Bert Aikman>UIS Collection A's>UIS Collection, Segment 16
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- Description of church quarterlies used in Sunday School. Notes churches did not have salaried preachers in those days & many would preach for $10 for both Saturday & Sunday. Description of moving Baptist Church to Waggoner using building mover who used a windlass. Notes they must have built a bridge to cross creek. Mentions bell in church used to ring, but does not anymore.
- Mentions Herb Street studied gas lighting & put gas plant in town, running pipes to stores & places that wanted lights. When Bert moved to area the gas plant was worn out & wasn't making money so Herb Street quit the gas-light business. Then used coal-oil lamps hung from ceiling for a couple of years. Then some townsfolk made decision to light town with Delco batteries & formed a small company & built electric plant. This small electric company would run wires for whoever needed light. Mentions lighting a revival meeting. Discussion of this plant not being able to meet electricity demands of town & getting CIPS to provide electricity. Still used the lights put in by the local electric company.