Frances Culver>UIS Collection C-G>UIS Collection C-G, Segment 7
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- Description of home. Bought house when it was brand new. Had a eight rooms, a basement, and a second floor, was 6 miles northeast of Athens. It was almost a bungalow. No one else's house was brand new. Brought furniture from old home and bought some things. Had a Majestic wood burning stove in kitchen with a reservoir in back to heat water. Heated water for laundry with a wash boiler. Had a manual washing machine with a turning handle and a wringer. Hung clothes outdoors to dry. Washed and ironed on Monday.
- Fed and watered the chickens, collected the eggs, and raised chicks. Made muffins in the morning while man milked. Made eggs, bacon, sausage, coffee, and sometimes fried mush for breakfast. There was more food in the summer. Kept stove going during the day and had a coal furnace.
- Son was sick with rheumatic fever while he was two years old. Had to be well taken-care of. Had a nurse but son did not like her. Some chores got ignored so she could take care of him. Made 2-3 trips to the doctor in Springfield each week. Took their 1920's Ford to Springfield, but the roads were muddy. Sometimes left car on the hard road and went from the house to the car in the buggy.