Walter Culver>UIS Collection C-G>UIS Collection C-G, Segment 8


duration 11:13
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Would farm again if he had to. Biggest improvement has been the corn picker-sheller, because corn can be shelled right in the field. Thinks farmers now have less difficult lives than the old farmers. Describes plowing with a three-section harrow. Thinks it took more exercise.
Grandfather's family came from KY. Mother's family come in a covered wagon with oxen and settled near Indian Point church in 1821. Culvers came in 1935, and grandfather bought land from government. Mother's maiden name was Johnson. Four generations of mother's family and three generations of father's family are buried in Indian Point cemetery. Settled near creek and timber so they could build a log cabin. Used to find arrows in the ground from Native Americans. Recalls the location of an Indian settlement. Thinks last tribe to settle nearby were Potawatomi, and they moved to Chandlerville, IL. Most of his family stayed in farming. Recalls grandfather's story of seeing Abraham Lincoln in New Salem when he was taking wheat to be ground for flour. Grandfather was married twice and had three daughters and two sons. First generation of immigrants in his family had fourteen children. Uncle owned a deer park. Recalls rounding up escaped dear at the park. Still see wild deer in the timber nearby.