Electricity important to raising chickens. Electric brooder keep chicks warmer and safer.
Quotes brother's article on green fences, Osage orange hedges. Took up half acre each side. Hedge sapped soil nutrients, but good at keeping livestock in. Hogs got under hedge in the cool and soft weeds. Hedge apples were a choking hazard to cattle. Hard to maintain. Also had a few rail and wire fences.
Father retired but helped her with egg business in the 1920s. Also milked his cow, helped with hogs, and got the mail.
Mentions Victrola and record collection.
Describes photos in archives. Gather eggs from trap nests. Mark eggs with registered chicken number to decide which hens were best breeders. Candled eggs with candle box to inspect for blood in yolks. Describes candle box. Broke eggs and sold by the pound to bakeries. Sold eggs to H.U. Plain, Walgreens, restaurants, stores. Helped by Lois Goddard. Norman Reeder of the Berkshire News designed her cartons and letterhead. Image of chickens heads' sticking out of lard cans and of funnels (prevented flopping around when she cut their throats to dress them).