Joanne (Anonymous)>NIU Collection>NIU Collection, Segment 3
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- Family had a gas stove, big electric mixer, Ringer washing machine, hung clothes in summer, clothes dryer later, refrigerator, toaster, radio. Black and white television in grade school.
- Doesn't remember getting spanked often. Got away with more with mother. Discipline was not very necessary. Remembers father sitting across, waiting for her to eat vegetable soup. Was 9 when brother went away to college. Recalls little of whole family eating together as brother was gone when she was young.
- Parents did not take vacations. Went to visit a farm in OH once with mom, dad, and sister. This was a big deal. Rarely went to shows. Most recreation was through clubs and church. Swimming in pool maybe three times in summer. Went to church camp every summer. Church paid half the fee. Camps were in Bloomington, or in Oregon, IL. Enjoyed Stronghold work camp. They made parking lots, cleared shrubs, painted castle building. Describes why she didn't like the camp in Bloomington.
- Had a very happy childhood. Comments that she doesn't think her children have as good of a childhood as she did because they didn't have as many expectations.