Weldon Gerdes>UIS Collection C-G>UIS Collection C-G, Segment 11


duration 09:09
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Thinks Lake Springfield's management makes flooding worse, and that the dam gates should be lowered to let a little water out to prepare for spring rains. Otherwise, lake overflow in spring floods Sangamon River downstream. Describes an incident of dam mismanagement by the City Water Light & Power Commissioner that caused flooding in Chandlerville. Sangamon River Valley Association was composed of farmers and landowners with an interest in the river. Describes the problems of flooding. Thinks the dry season is not going to stop flooding. Thinks using the Sangamon River as a water supply would be better than building another lake, and that the river water is cleanable. Knows one person who owns property where the second lake would be built, he would want to build cottages along the new lake.
Never camped along river. Occasionally fished catfish in the river which were medium-sized. Weldon describes hogging for fish, but he has never done it. He is afraid of snakes, even though water moccasins do not live in the river anymore.