Mrs. Leland Hall>UIS Collection H-I>UIS Collection H-I, Segment 2
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- Father liked to sit out in the woods and enjoy & appreciate nature. Father told her to sit & listen to the most beautiful music in the world, birds singing in the woods. This had a great influence on her view of nature. Leland and one brother did, too. Went to dances with brothers & she was accused of dating her brothers. Had seventh through tenth grades only at Sweetwater. Went to Greenview balls and had a dance club. Family was close, no fights. Had to be close because of illnesses and trouble.
- Father quit farming to work for coal mines. He & another fellow leased a coal mine for 3-4 years. Then worked for Union Fuel Company (coal mining company). Father died at 54 of heart trouble. Mrs. Hall began working as a domestic for farmers whose wives were ill or needed help. She learned homemaking skills (cleaning & cooking) by helping her mother, who had a crippled hand for some time. Stayed as a live-in domestic Sunday night through Saturday night with her baby. Employer had a better washing machine, "it had a crank on it." She was paid $2/week. Then she went to work for the Belair's doing domestic work. Then went to work for the Kincaid's. She married at sixteen.
- Went to activities like ice cream suppers with dates. Met Everett at one a town event. She took the train & he met the train. Young men had a habit hanging around train station to see who was getting on/off the trains. Everett walked her to work one day. They got married later that year.
- Description of setting up housekeeping in a rented house with her new husband. They had no tablespoons, four sets of knives, forks, and spoons, and four chairs and a table.