Cliffie Smith Patterson>UIS Collection N-R>UIS Collection N-R, Segment 5
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- Recalls brother cutting her hand when he was trying to cut bad leaves off a head of cabbage, and she was trying to stop him, while mother made sauerkraut. Mother did doctoring for family. Remembers tramp with a wooden leg coming to the house to ask for food. Mother used some home remedies from grandmother.
- Upholstered chairs for a doctor in Springfield, IL, whose niece lived in Mt. Pulaski and whose wife had just died. Made a wind sock once. Doctor sent her a letter from Africa. Doctor also gave her corner cupboards that he was not taking with into town.
- Discusses which relatives want which pieces of furniture around the house. Bought a rug from Wards in Decatur for $84. Can not sew anymore because she had cataract surgery on both eyes. Husband's father owned a valuable schoolmaster's desk. Has two figurines she got for hosting a house party for the figurine maker (like a Tupperware party). Husband's sister gave them an old pendulum clock. One of husband's sisters came to Mt. Pulaski area with the brothers.