Judy Stark>NIU Collection>NIU Collection, Segment 19
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- She does the housework and is now giving daughter more chores as she gets older. Went back to work not so much to pay bills but to be more independent. She does not need to go but enjoys it. Keeps her money separate in her savings account and uses it to buy furniture and nice things for the house. Feels good to earn money herself. Works for Glidden Florist.
- All their friends are in farming. Joined the Home Extension with a friendly neighbor. Met more friends though this club and from introductions from neighbors. Get together for dinner, cards. Went to Las Vegas once. Go on snowmobile trips with friends. Mainly get together as couples or with girlfriends. Do not do work together.
- Describes her husband's close relationship with his Uncle Harry and Aunt Mary who never had kids. Aunt Mary very involved with activities and is very active at age 70. They will see them at Pine Acres nursing home when visiting husband's grandmother.