Gray Herndon>UIS Collection H-I>UIS Collection H-I, Segment 14


duration 14:37
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First notes that in early years he didn't have much money & took his vacations with Jim Melin. Details fishing with Jim Melin in Cass County. Used duck hunting shack as a place to go on vacation. Notes how new dam flooded much of land & raised level of Fish Lake wiping out some farmland. Description of Fish Lake, the brush, & multitude of frogs. Describes their catching frogs for bait & fishing activities. Describes the swamp & timber along Fish Lake with roaring mosquitoes. Describes efforts to make mosquito netting. Story of Jim getting bit one night. Fish Lake was deep & had cooler water in summer. Commercial fishermen came & seined lake for carp & buffalo. Bass had to be thrown out. Description of seining & transport of fish on barges up to Beardstown.