Jim Kinsella>ISM Interviews A-L>ISM Interviews A-L, Segment 26
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- Discusses his corn and soybean crops, 65% corn and 35% soybeans. Strip tills the corn and can build organic soil better in a corn-soybean rotation. Alfalfa is a good crop but it takes a lot of labor-haying, mowing and raking.
- Discusses the types of fertilizers and herbicides he uses, such as DAP (diammonium phosphate) and Round-Up, Round-Up Ready Corn and Soybeans. Does tissue tests to check for sulfur, index the corn and keep the nitrogen rates low. Uses wells in the area and doesn't want to contaminate the water supply. Uses Triple Stack which is genetically engineered to help get rid of the Corn Borer.
- Mentions pests on the farm, such as Corn Borer and Rootworm. Says the Earthworm does all the tilling for him and works a lot, moves the fertilizer up and down. Mentions having his kids help collect Earthworms on the road after a rain for prizes. They decided it wasn't worth the prize. The Earthworm does a lot with the soil and water to keep the ground in good condition.