Michael Johnson>ISM Interviews A-L>ISM Interviews A-L, Segment 24
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- Northern Illinois oak-hickory-cherry forest land with ravines running through it. It was always wood lots owned by hundreds of people who lived in town, two acres each or so. He bought some land from a neighbor in early 1990s, planted some trees, made a pond. He was a photographer, moved back here, and bought land with a farmhouse. Blaine McGinty, farmer nearby who was in real estate, showed him properties. This property had a screened-in cabin on 40 acres, walked into the woods, and Michael felt it familiar. He made an offer, although he would have to build a house. He bought it with the idea of preserving the timber, not selling it. He consulted with a designer and two carpenters and helped build the house. He had met Patricia and planned to marry. They spent two years finishing the interior. By then they had two children, and expanded. Another friend, Tom, moved up and helped him build on, including a workshop.