Born January 6, 1961. Parents are Clyde and Margaret Ackerman, sister Debbie Lee. Speaks highly of his parents. Didn't know grandfather, but knew grandmother and saw her quite a bit. Mentions family that settled in the area in the 1800s.
Mentions having hogs and cattle growing up. Has beef cattle on the farm. Began artificially inseminating the cattle back in the 1970s. Had Hereford cattle, began raising different European breeds
Was in FFA and 4-H growing up. 4-H for 10 years. Was 4-H King. Concentrated on cattle for 4-H projects.
Had corn, soybeans on the farm, along with alfalfa.
Had chores, feed the hogs and cattle, take care of their show horses.
Lived close to town, thinks he had it best by living on the farm yet living close to town; had a lot of town friends.
Went to Morton United Methodist Church. Mom taught Sunday School.
Attended Lincoln Elementary School. Mentions how the town had to build another school because of the Baby Boom. Also talks about the changes in the schools and the area. Attended Illinois Central College and University of Illinois. Graduated in May 1983. Wrote a 35 page thesis of what not to do when it comes to butchering cattle.
In 1983 it didn't rain from June to November, or -74 degrees on Christmas Day; one of the coldest Decembers ever. Record setting drought that year. Started as a wet Spring. Mentions drought of 1988.