Born March 5, 1970 in Pittsfield, Illinois. Place where interview is taking place was homesteaded over to her family in the 1800s. Mother was an only child. Grandparents lived in a home nearby. Mother's maiden name was Williard & she traced her family back to England. Has an older brother, Doug, and a younger sister, Lori. She has three sons. Lived in home when she was younger. Family had different livestock and grain crops. Had cattle, hogs and sheep growing up.
Remembers going with her father to check the cows everyday. Chores taught a sense of responsibility. Most hated chore was feeding the rabbits at night in their hutches, because the old house creeped her out. Chores were mostly about age, not gender.
Had many friends that lived on farms, but her sister had friends that didn't care for farm life too much.
Was part of 4-H as a child & would take trips to other states for conferences and conventions. Her children are part of 4-H. President of the extension in her county. FFA came later, when she was in high school. Spent a lot of time with sheep and cattle. Her kids are into beef cattle, photography and wood working. Currently trying to get 4-H more structured.