Each of the 5 FFA State Officers introduce themselves, giving their name, date and place of birth.
Each member discusses where they grew up, such as on a farm or not. Arteman grew up on a farm that grew corn and soybeans. Zwilling grew up on a cattle farm. Ashby comes from a cattle and dairy farm. Larson from a soybean, corn and hay farm. And Heavner got introduced to the agriculture field by his father, who was his ag teacher in high school. The majority of the group grew up on farms that had soybeans and corn.
Zwilling mentions Hampshire and Land-Raised hogs his great-grandfather brought over from England and Shorthorn cattle. Ashby mentions raising Yorkshire hogs as well as Red Angus cattle.
Arteman is attending SIU for animal science and pre-vet. Heavner plans on going to Southwestern Illinois College to get an A.S. then transfer to SIU, U of I or Florida for ag education. Zwilling is going to Lake Land Junior College and be on the livestock judging team there and later wants to become a high school ag teacher and get into politics.; Ashby will be attending Blackhawk East Junior College and major in ag business. Larson hopes to go to Iowa State University to major in agricultural communications.
Each member discusses what kind of chores they enjoyed doing, including driving the tractor, feed pigs, or taking care of lambs, and chores they didn't, like walking beans and cleaning out cow pens.