Marie South Williams>UIS Collection T-Z>UIS Collection T-Z, Segment 23


duration 15:07
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Mrs. Williams mentions women getting right to vote. Discusses what happened during 1918 Flu Epidemic. Her husband had the flu & got part-time help. Mrs. Williams had to find her own substitute teacher to cover her classes. "People died like flies."
Mrs. Williams tells of her wedding in 1916 on Easter Sunday. Married in Lutheran minister's home with $5 ring. Notes cost of wedding certificate. Talks of getting furniture& appliances for house. Dinner at grandmother's. Before marriage Sunday School class gave her a wedding shower. Lists gifts received at shower. Story of one boy's (called "Snaky") special gift that cost $0.25. No honeymoon, Frank just went to work the next day. Mrs. Williams had to learn how to cook. Joined a sewing club, Women's Club, etc.
Story of seeing baseball games in St. Louis & going shopping. Mentions friend who made hats. Mention again of retrieving clothes from her grandmother's to make clothes for her daughter. Mention of husband's salary & expense of daughter's clothes. Relative had a clothing store & they bought on credit.