Mike Latting>LPL Interviews A-M>LPL Interviews A-M, Segment 17
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- Names
- IN; Spain; Watseka, IL
- These are horses just for riding to chase bulls, move cattle or gather horses. These horses also would be pleasure riding horses. These horses also help young horses to understand their place in life. These horses know how to navigate the terrain and functioning better than horses that live in stalls. They have common sense. These horses are put in stalls though to feed them. Mike talks about how to train the horses. The first thing is to get them used to the saddle, then the bridle. After about two days you start getting on them and riding and train them from there. They start training around two years but really training around three year. Mikes horses grow up around bulls and noise and therefore don't get too worried in an arena.
- Mike talks about his three different trailers and how he moves horses and other livestock. He talks about how he gets difficult horses into the trailer. Horses are a herd animal and he just puts them in groups and he has no problem getting them on the trailer.
- Mike's saddle horses are all bought, not bred. Mike talks about his son's breeding program and another boy who is exercising his colts for him. Talks about different breeds of horses. Mike has all registered quarter horses. King's quarter horses are stouter, shorter and thicker and he doesn't necessarily want that in his stock. He wants horses that run quick, stop quicker and maneuver easier. He doesn't see any more injuries between his horses and King's quarter horses. He's been lucky and selective to avoid injury. Mike has bucking horses in a back pasture. Mike talks about Big Enough, who was the 1995 World Champion bucking horse of the year and he was raised on their ranch. Mike talks about what makes him a champion and how a champion is chosen.
- Mike feeds his horses a mixed feed, a sweet feed. It's oats and corn and he buys it. He talks about who he buys it from. His feed is outstanding, he is a master at it. Mike doesn't know what goes in the feed and he doesn't care because he trusts his feed guy.