Robert Wieneke>LPL Walk & Talk Interviews>Wieneke, Section 1
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- Clay and Loam mix. good for drainage. Drip irrigation. If slots are deep enough water goes down and no real fear of drought. Biggest enemy is bugs, Japanese beetles, coddling moth. Peach wine is new and expected to be popular. Start harvesting grapes in September. He picked six rows or a quarter acre and got 55 gallons of wine.
- Start with grape juice, then put another tank and after a week and adding yeast you get alcohol. All the winemaking is done in an old summer kitchen. He has peach, grape and apple wine. Pick the grapes, put them in a crusher/destemmer, it pulls the grapes off. Then put the grapes into a crusher and create juice. He has a county license, needs a state license. Won't sell for two or three years, will stock pile wine in the basement. Add sugar to peach wine to get it to ferment. Need a certain level of sugar to get it to ferment.
- Inspections--state inspectors. look at cleanliness of operation.