Evelyn Lanan>NIU Collection>NIU Collection, Segment 11
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- She & her husband grow cucumbers for pickles, squash, carrots, cabbage, etc. Grew flowers too, has learned what she likes and does that best at. Some perennials, some annuals. Covered her roses with dirt just today. Lists the flowers she like the best.
- Enjoys housework, baking, cookies. Likes to crochet, work in the garden. Can't do as much of it, or for as long, as she used to. Husband Howard helps. Still plays the church organ, and on her piano at home. Evelyn likes classical music. They're on their second TV. Got one at least 30 years ago. Listened to news and homemakers programs.
- Movies
- They went on a tour to see the Rose Bowl. They like tours, where things are taken care of. Christmas activities include dinner, but no more gift exchanging because no young children anymore. Tells what they have for Christmas dinner. Likes the holidays, but they're getting to commercialized.
- She and Howard visit family, friends when they can, for celebrations. Evelyn has friends in and cooks for them, to get them out of their house. And she likes company. They take drives to see the fall colors.
- Saturdays were busy in anticipation of Sundays, when they'd rest. Corn planting in May is earlier because of hybrids.
- They had certain appliances when they first moved in, new electric stove. Later