Remodeled in 1951. Added a utility room. Describes the current kitchen.
Evelyn kept track of husband, answered the phone, did errands, &n helped keep the books. Didn't do any buying or selling though. Helped with the end of the year summaries.
Did not have much hired help. Evelyn cooked the meals for them back then, but that doesn't happen any more though. Cooked for corn huskers and the thrashers too. Typical meal included potatoes, meat, vegetable, salad, pie for dessert. Remembers learning to make pies. She studied up! Likes to read travel books and recipe books.
Evelyn always liked the farm life. She always found something to like about her tasks. Early and late hours, especially in previous years. A "free" life, can do what you like. She tells a livestock joke. She's enjoyed it, glad to be retired.
Today's department stores don't have the service they used to, not as many clerks. Describes other differences from department stores in the past. Computers versus the trading and bartering they'd been able to do.
Evelyn discusses the exchange student program, noting one German student in particular. Tutored him closely, he returned to visit recently as a grown-up, with his 17-year-old daughter! They all speak English very well today. Tells about the daughter. 3 boys from another German family came over, one in 1974. Did some small trips. Other brothers, one a med student, came in 1981. Tells about other exchange students in the farm program from Philippines, Switzerland, India. Lots of tour groups from foreign countries have visited too.