Bert Aikman>UIS Collection A's>UIS Collection, Segment 6


duration 13:41
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Story about Bert seeing first airplane in 1911. Plane scared Bert. Paid $0.30 to see plane in a tent. Fourth of July celebrated in Raymond with fireworks & band. Raymond Park was where Raymond grade school now stands. Mentions speeches on 4th of July. Bert was not interested in politics. Entertainment on 4th much like a carnival. Discusses types of firework displays. Merchants put on celebration. Mentions best fireworks show Bert saw was in Colorado in 1926.
Waggoner began when railroad went through. George Folks built coal bin & lumberyard at that time in Waggoner. Town began to develop. Restaurants, grocery store, hardware store, all quickly established. Around 1914 much of Waggoner burned. Bank built of bricks did not burn. All town records in town hall burned. Local folks now depend on Bert for recollection of many town events, e.g., when buildings built. Went anytime of week to Waggoner because it was closer, but still went to Raymond because merchants "were so good to us." Discusses Strider's cut-rate grocery store in Waggoner & products carried. No ice-boxes in grocery store. Discusses bit of Mr. Strider's family.
Mr. Strider's son put in Delco electric plant & wired town of Waggoner. Bert & friends went to town at night just to see lights. Story of electric "tingle" in 1891. Street lights had to be set by hand everyday (set distance between "carbon sticks"). Lights were good bug-zappers.